14 Boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxembourg
Monday to Friday
8.30 am to 5 pm
Wallonie - Brussels
Chaussée de La Hulpe, 120 – 1000 Brussels
Kortrijksesteenweg 218 – 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem
Monday to Friday
8.30 am to 4.30 pm

Retirement: when should you start planning?

When should I start planning for my retirement? Will my statutory contributions be enough to give me a decent pension? How much do I need to save if I want to maintain my purchasing power and have a comfortable standard of living when I stop working?

As well as being increasingly active participants in a couple’s financial decisions, women are now showing greater interest in building up some personal capital over the long term to prepare for their retirement. But this should not be a random exercise – it needs thoughtful input from experts.

Important to plan ahead

Women are becoming increasingly interested in the management of their personal financesViviane Feiereisen, Private Banking Adviser at Banque de Luxembourg

“But while, generally speaking, they are planning better for their retirement, some are still leaving it too late to factor in the impact that events in their family or working life will have on their wealth and financial situation.” Time off for pregnancies and maternity leave make the working life of women less linear than that of men. “In Luxembourg, 38.3% of women opt for part-time working or a career break,” says Viviane. Changes in the family structure – separations, divorces, single-parent families and blended families – also raise new questions and contribute to women’s isolation and financial fragility, while their longer life expectancy does not make them equal to men in terms of retirement. Every woman therefore needs to start planning for retirement as early as possible. Yes, but how?

Long-term personal support

To fill the gap between the amount of their salary and their statutory pension, one of the most attractive solutions lies in building up personal savings. But finding the ideal savings plan is not easy. “You have to start by working out how much income you will need to maintain your standard of living, based on your personal situation,” says Viviane Feiereisen. “From this analysis, your sensitivity to risk and your objectives for income, it is then possible to work out what type of investments would be best.” Do you consider other solutions in addition to a traditional pension fund? Within the framework of the Luxembourg tax system, there are some simple retirement planning solutions enabling you to benefit immediately from a reduction in your taxable income. Our advisers will assess your particular situation and projects to manage your wealth on an individual basis.

We offer you personalised support

Viviane Feiereisen
Private banking adviser

We offer you personalised support

Sandra Giunta
Joint Head of the Brussels Private Banking Centre